KVM User Guide
KVM User Stations are currently available at the following locations: ANK, BOC, BLN, SLP, and WBL.
ANK Users, see ANK Specific Guide
To begin using the KVM station, turn the monitor on and use the keys CTRL and A to bring up the login window.
If you arrive at a user station for the first time that day and it appears to be logged in, please logout the current user and login with your username and password or a volunteer login. Sessions that are already logged in upon arrival may timeout during use.
Staff have unique logins (bmerritt or bob.merritt) and a personalized password (email password).
Volunteer logins start with the three-letter campus code, then a dash, then the position abbreviation (ex. slp-sw, bln-ad). Volunteer logins do not have a password.
Using Machines
Once you’re logged in, the list of machines available to you will populate. To connect to a machine, select the share option (
If you’d like to change the machine you’re using, simply use the CTL and A key combo and the list of available machines will reappear.
There may be multiple pages of machines available, use the page numbers on the lower left to navigate to other available machines.
If you have any issues with or questions about KVM user stations, please contact the TOC via intercom or submit a Helpdesk ticket.
Updated 6/26/2019 at 8:55 AM