LHS: KiPro Drives & Archiving Sunday Before Services Eject the drive in KiPro 2 Slot 1, then remove it from KiPro 2 and mount it in KiPro 1 Slot 1. Format the drive you just placed in KiPro 1. Verify with the TOC that the backup message has been successfully copied to the KiPro drive mounted to the Edit Mac and can be safely ejected. Remove the drive mounted to the Edit Mac (in rack in AV/IDF closet backstage) and mount it to KiPro 2 Slot 1. Cue the backup message on KiPro 2 with the newly mounted drive. Sunday After Services Eject the drive in KiPro 1 Slot 1, then remove it from KiPro 1 and mount it to the Edit Mac. Archive services by screen-sharing (VNC) to lhs-edit01.apostles.local. You can login with username 'ebcprod' and password 'waterfall'. Archive services like normal, following the process listed in the Service Archive cheat sheet. Once archives are finished, send an email to engineering@eaglebrookchurch.com with subject "LHS Archives Completed", and that weekend's date in the body. This will alert the team in the TOC that the drive can be erased and have the next weekend's backup message copied. Leave the KiPro drive mounted to the Edit Mac until the following weekend.