Saving Clips from Gamefilm
Saving clips from Gamefilm can be helpful in many situations. If you need access to save clips on a regular basis or need a few clips saved, please submit a helpdesk ticket.
The Process
- Select the campus on the left sidebar.
- Select the Date & Time on the left sidebar, below the campus list.
- Scrub with the play bar in the middle of the screen to find the exact in-time, then pause the playback.
- Select "Mark In," then scrub to find the exact out-time, and select "Mark Out."
- Select "Save Native," or "Save Proxy," and the clip will download.
Save Native vs. Save Proxy
Using the "Save Native" option will download a full resolution clip, but will save with a .ts file extension. This can be played with VLC media player on both Windows and Mac, or it can be reexported with Media Encoder to create another file format.
Using the "Save Proxy" option will download a .mp4 version of the clip, but a small resolution. This would be acceptable to use for clip reviews, but not for saving archival footage of entire services.
If you have any questions, please submit a Helpdesk ticket.