How to Reset your Password Using Self Service Password Reset - Mac/Apple
When you receive an email that your password is expiring, you are given 2 weeks before it expires. It is preferred that you are onsite and connected to the EBC Staff Wi-Fi when changing your password. If you are offsite, please connect to the EBC VPN first before resetting your password. To reset your password on your MacBook, navigate to System Settings > Users and Groups > Select the information “I” icon next to your name, and click the “Change Password” button.
It is a common issue on a MacBook to run into an issue when going to change your password that the “Server cannot be contacted”. At this point, the Help Desk is typically contacted to assist in helping you with your password reset. We now have a way in which you can reset your password on your own when you run into this issue instead of needing to contact the Help Desk! Follow the steps below when resetting your password if you run into the issue that the “Server cannot be contacted” during your initial password reset steps given above.
1. Navigate to
2. If prompted, sign in with your Eagle Brook Church email address and current password. Then select “Sign In”
3. If prompted, accept your MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) on your phone/authenticator app.
4. Once you are logged into the website, click on your initials/profile picture in the upper right corner of the website, and select “View Account”
5. Once in your account settings, find the section that says “Password”, and select “Change Password”
6. On the “Change Password” screen, make sure that the listed email address is correct. Then, enter your current password and a new password. Confirm your new password. Click the “Submit” button. As a reminder, here are the password requirements within our organization:
a. You cannot use any part of your username
b. You cannot use any of your previous 3 three passwords
c. You must use an Upper case letter and at least one number
d. Password length must be a minimum of 6 characters
e. You may use the special characters on your number keys
7. You will then see the following screen. Your password is now reset, and you can close out of this tab.
8. After 5 to 10 minutes, you should start getting prompts from your Office applications, your EBC Staff Wi-Fi connection, and other websites such as The Hub to enter your new password. When prompted, enter your new password and approve your MFA (Multifactor Authentication) on your phone/app, if also prompted to do so.
9. Your new password should also now take on your computer login screen after 5 to 10 minutes. Once you logout of your computer and go to log back in, try your new password. When your new password takes during your computer login, you may be prompted to update your keychain. If so, click “Update Keychain”, then enter your OLD password when prompted to allow this update to be made.
10. If your new password does not take when logging into your computer, enter your old password to login and give your new computer login password more time to sync. You can also give your computer a restart to try and get your new computer login password to take sooner. Be sure you are connected to the EBC Staff Wi-Fi (or the EBC VPN if you are offsite) so that your new password will sync.